Canada’s Latest Census Still Fails Trans And Non-Binary People
Here are three major flaws with the 2021 census, and potential solutions that can be implemented for the next one.
Here are three major flaws with the 2021 census, and potential solutions that can be implemented for the next one.
Most provinces force political representatives to publicly disclose whether they make rental income and/or own rental property.
Editorial boards have supported Canada’s war and regime change efforts since the First World War 98 per cent of the time.
This list is not intended to be a reflection on the competence of any of the journalists mentioned.
These phrases function as PR for police, victim-blame sexual assault survivors, support Canadian foreign policy, and minimize racism.
For decades, Canada has underwritten the cultish worship of Ukrainian Nazi collaborator war criminals.
The bias is enforced at every level of the media, from editorial boards all the way to ownership.