BuzzFeed’s Shutdown Of HuffPost Exposes Its Shallow Progressiveness
The company’s ostensibly progressive front masks that it’s funded by a venture capitalist system that demands ever-increasing revenue.
The company’s ostensibly progressive front masks that it’s funded by a venture capitalist system that demands ever-increasing revenue.
A country set up to do more than meet the whims of corporations would block the anti-competitive Rogers-Shaw deal.
A 1990 co-funded Bethune film was an attempt by Canadian authorities to forge cultural links with China and soften Cold War-era prejudices.
The spirit of, ‘We’re all in this together’ was a cynical cover for policies that let some people suffer to keep things going for others.
As Canadian journalism supposedly strives to become more inclusive, it also needs to grapple with the wealth bias ingrained in it.
They also neglected to tell her about a 2016 incident where someone at a bar was drugged with a drink that might have been intended for her.
Editorial boards have supported Canada’s war and regime change efforts since the First World War 98 per cent of the time.
Every mention of Roberta Place has referenced new coronavirus strains, often above or in place of conditions at the long-term care home.
Erin O’Toole has unintentionally confirmed the obvious: the Conservative plan for escaping the pandemic begins and ends with the vaccine.