Law Enforcement Should Have No Place In Unions
So long as they defend and expand policing, unions will be complicit in the harm police forces enact on our communities.
So long as they defend and expand policing, unions will be complicit in the harm police forces enact on our communities.
To stay at their posts is to collaborate with the government in its social murder of Ontarians throughout the pandemic.
By breaking the strike at the Port of Montreal, the federal government is showing its hand: It’s here for them, not you.
In the midst of a pandemic, Ford has empowered landlords and police to impose greater discipline and hardship on working-class people.
Ford’s half-assed breakdown is emblematic of so much of the theatre of his government’s pandemic response.
Funding federal pharmacare, enacting a wealth tax and ensuring homes are more affordable were all measures the Liberals should have taken.
ONDP Leader Andrea Horwath’s supposed plan to save Ontario is wholly inadequate for this catastrophic moment.
Ford laughs while his policies kill us, and has the guts to complain that we aren’t happy about being led to our deaths.
Like any good former colonial subject, our state media and its private counterparts have been pumping out praise of Philip since his death.