The Competition Bureau’s Secrecy Only Benefits Corporations
Dropping the secrecy mandate, and guaranteeing the Bureau is truly independent, is necessary to make competition law remotely credible.
Dropping the secrecy mandate, and guaranteeing the Bureau is truly independent, is necessary to make competition law remotely credible.
There’s no excuse for provinces not to gather and release the data they’ve collected on COVID-19 deaths related to hospital outbreaks.
It’s not reassuring to know our leaders will only be ‘watching’ discriminatory legislation in Quebec instead of trying to overturn it.
At least 33 columnists and three editorial boards have opposed removing these statues, or directly supported them.
These initial proposals are what’s needed going forward, not symbolic motions that end up failing to produce systemic change.
Violence and subjugation have been at the core of this colonial project since Europeans first set foot upon these shores.
In this case, the public interest is best served by learning exactly how badly the RCMP failed in their duty to protect.
Postmedia commentators wrote about antisemitism more following May Palestine protests than the 2018 Tree of Life synagogue massacre.
Years of commissions, reports and investigations haven’t been able to undo systemic sexual assault, and that’s not going to change.