All Workers Deserve Protection From Being Unjustly Fired
In 11 of the 14 jurisdictions in Canada, bosses can fire or lay off their workers for any reason.
In 11 of the 14 jurisdictions in Canada, bosses can fire or lay off their workers for any reason.
Despite warnings from diplomatic staff, and clear knowledge that Israel lied, Canada has refused to issue even a nominal condemnation.
A new report from the Bank for International Settlements shows inequality grows during recessions and tends to make them worse.
There’s a crisis in Canadian democracy, and voter turnout is just a symptom. We need to radically rethink how elections work.
A class-based strategy that raises the material well-being of the working class is needed to win a just transition.
Data analysis shows Bill 307 helped allow Ford to achieve victory while avoiding genuinely important democratic means of accountability.
Rather than impose cuts at a time when real incomes are falling, the federal government could instead levy emergency taxes
This is the first issue of Tech Won’t Save Canada, a new, monthly series at Passage hosted by writer and podcaster Paris Marx.
Deleting the app can serve as an act of resistance against greedy property owners and landlords throughout the world.