Healthcare Workers Deserve More Than Hero Memes
The use of inspirational imagery distracts us from the government’s failure to protect healthcare workers.
The use of inspirational imagery distracts us from the government’s failure to protect healthcare workers.
Pushing people back to work in the middle of a pandemic is a dangerous idea driven by hostility to welfare, not evidence or facts.
These companies are stealing your money. Why should we reward them with bailouts?
The pandemic is laying bare the myths of value, meritocracy and equality of opportunity that underwrite capitalist wage inequities.
Canada's sub-standard long-term care system is killing the elderly.
Expanding the Canada Summer Jobs is not a solution to the CERB’s major flaws.
By nationalizing assets of soon-to-be insolvent landlords, we can prevent tenants from becoming homeless due to COVID-19.
The anti-China narrative is based on falsities, and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism.
Workers are risking their lives to get packages out the door because Amazon won’t give them proper support to stay safe.