Doug Ford Is Too Late Again, Putting Us All At Risk
Ford is good at avoiding doing what’s needed until the last possible moment, and then blaming others for the delay.
Ford is good at avoiding doing what’s needed until the last possible moment, and then blaming others for the delay.
“There are still concerns for those that are working with the public. Where people may not be keeping their distance, who aren't wearing a mask, there has definitely been discomfort.”
Progress gained by Black communities across socio-economic and health indicators will be left to ruin in the pandemic’s wake.
Canada should implement a vaccine passport because it would increase the rate of vaccination and, therefore, save lives.
Vaccine passports may forever jeopardize the right to movement, social life, community and access to the public sphere.
Investigations into long-term care show why the system needs to be made public. But journalists stop short of completing this circle.
While COVID-19 was spreading throughout long-term care, lobbyists were successfully pushing Doug Ford to make their clients richer.
There’s no excuse for provinces not to gather and release the data they’ve collected on COVID-19 deaths related to hospital outbreaks.
In trying to play both sides, the B.C. NDP has shown they come down on one: that of business.