I Watched An 857-Hour Movie To Encounter Capitalism’s Extremes
Logistics tracks, in reverse chronological order, the journey of a pedometer from a shop in Sweden to a factory in China.
Logistics tracks, in reverse chronological order, the journey of a pedometer from a shop in Sweden to a factory in China.
A profile in the newspaper focusing on a Ukrainian neo-Nazi group uncritically includes its subject’s description of them as ‘heroes.’
Without the collective power of the labour movement, labour shortages will be ‘resolved’ at the behest of employers.
The Postmedia chain coming under command of an Irving is a worst-of-both-worlds scenario for news readers and Canada as a whole.
In 11 of the 14 jurisdictions in Canada, bosses can fire or lay off their workers for any reason.
Despite warnings from diplomatic staff, and clear knowledge that Israel lied, Canada has refused to issue even a nominal condemnation.
A new report from the Bank for International Settlements shows inequality grows during recessions and tends to make them worse.
There’s a crisis in Canadian democracy, and voter turnout is just a symptom. We need to radically rethink how elections work.
A class-based strategy that raises the material well-being of the working class is needed to win a just transition.