Diplomats Warned About Israeli Politician Who Provoked Violence. Then Trudeau Welcomed His Government
The Trudeau government has provided no indication that it plans to boycott meetings with extremist ministers in Israel’s new government.
The Trudeau government has provided no indication that it plans to boycott meetings with extremist ministers in Israel’s new government.
Israel’s new government includes openly racist far-right figures and supporters of terrorism.
"Protective measures that are proposed for victims of human trafficking often seem to mirror methods of punishment."
An immigration lawyer said the way Canada has treated Ukrainians should be viewed as a “model” for how to handle refugees fleeing all international crisis situations.
“We have a problem in the U.S. of too much critical thinking."
The war in Ukraine was front and centre as journalists, politicians, military leaders and businesspeople gathered for the annual Halifax International Security Forum (HFX).
The report’s author says he is prepared to explore legal options to defend his work against unsubstantiated claims.
"The government managed to unite the entire labour movement in an effort to repeal Bill 28 and protect the Charter rights of workers across Canada.”
“The idea that Haiti needs an international intervention to deal with street gangs is ridiculous and racist and completely rejected by Haitians.”