Canada’s Military Will Never Properly Address Sexual Assault
Years of commissions, reports and investigations haven’t been able to undo systemic sexual assault, and that’s not going to change.
Years of commissions, reports and investigations haven’t been able to undo systemic sexual assault, and that’s not going to change.
These narratives attempt to have the public, media and politicians focus on bogus allegations of antisemitism instead of Israel’s actions.
In refusing to call Palestine by its name, media organizations have further entrenched their pro-Israel bias.
We must oppose Canada’s role in the state violence and exploitation that millions of Colombians are mobilizing to resist.
The goal of ‘both sides’ rhetoric is to rob Palestinians of every means of resistance until they have none left.
Countries in the Global South don’t need rich nations to save them. They need to be allowed to make vaccines.
The country is broken in fundamental ways that no report, no consultation, no committee investigation will fix.
Editorial boards have supported Canada’s war and regime change efforts since the First World War 98 per cent of the time.
A government that believed in fighting fascism would at least acknowledge the wrongs it did to the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion volunteers.