The Historical Roots of the Conflict in Ukraine
"People in Ukraine have been caught in the crossfire of yet another crisis created by and for the multinational ruling classes."
"People in Ukraine have been caught in the crossfire of yet another crisis created by and for the multinational ruling classes."
The virality of the Snake Island martyr myth shows the media doesn’t care about fighting every type of propaganda.
The page in question and the links it contains include calls to fund, and even fight alongside, the Ukrainian military.
Although Canada never built nuclear weapons of its own, it played an active and essential role in their development, to devastating ends.
Style guides at media organizations, broadcasters and newspapers prohibit the use of the word Palestine in most circumstances.
It’s critical to re-centre Zionism and settler colonialism as the root of Palestinian oppression, and recognize the right to resistance.
People decrying the protesters in Ottawa shouldn’t give knee-jerk support to worship of the troops.
Editorial support for sending Canadian troops and arms to Ukraine didn’t waver when it became clear neo-Nazis would benefit.
These leaders need to be treated as rational actors that, in turn with other members of their government, act based on strategy.