Big Tech’s Purge Of Dissenters Is Impeding An Anti-War Movement
Those who will pay the heaviest price for unchecked calls to escalate conflict in this case are Ukrainian civilians.
Those who will pay the heaviest price for unchecked calls to escalate conflict in this case are Ukrainian civilians.
“They don’t see us as people.”
The government is funding projects that engage in what some scholars call a new and more insidious form of Holocaust denial.
We raise these issues not because we want Canada to reverse its assistance to Ukrainians, but rather extend it elsewhere, too.
Why should ordinary Russians suffer due to the actions of people they have no control over, who they often don’t even like?
“It’s certainly riskier to export weapons to a war zone, and that’s not particularly unique to the case of Ukraine."
Turns out that asking writers who want Canadians to fight against Russia in Ukraine if they’re planning to go isn’t a popular question.
Accusations of ‘whataboutism’ serve to narrow the conversation — accusers want you to discuss global affairs on their terms.
Journalists shouldn’t ignore what Chrystia Freeland did, or the many other fascist flags at that rally and others throughout Canada.