McGill Palestine Solidarity Advocates Warn Lawsuit Punishes Anti-Colonial Activism
"The explicit purpose of the lawsuit is simply to punish McGill students for engaging in anti-colonial politics."
"The explicit purpose of the lawsuit is simply to punish McGill students for engaging in anti-colonial politics."
A CUPE report finds that education workers have been treated as though they’re disposable by successive provincial governments in Ontario.
More than half of the province’s college and university students graduate with debt, a trend that has been steadily increasing over the past 30 years.
The Legion’s pro-war style of Remembrance Day lessons violates the necessary separation of military and public education.
Cancelling student interest would be welcome, but wholly inadequate at remedying the inequities worsened by charging tuition.
COVID-19 has sped up what was already in motion: the hollowing out of public education in Ontario and the creation of a two-tiered system.
This crisis isn’t due to a lack of resources at universities, but rather an absence of willingness to do what’s necessary to save lives.
Expanding the Canada Summer Jobs is not a solution to the CERB’s major flaws.