Instead Of Prepping For The Next Wave, Ontario Wasted Downtimes
Ontario had a chance to improve testing, rapid testing, vaccine rollout and school safety in between waves, but it failed to do so.
Ontario had a chance to improve testing, rapid testing, vaccine rollout and school safety in between waves, but it failed to do so.
"In a way it kind of reminds me of the attitudes that circulated in North America in the mid-1980s about people with HIV/AIDS."
A combined total of 442 people in Saskatchewan died from overdoses in 2021, the deadliest year on record.
It’s critical to re-centre Zionism and settler colonialism as the root of Palestinian oppression, and recognize the right to resistance.
The past 30 days saw major developments on the international stage which have challenged the status quo of Canada’s international policy.
The trucker convoy is a “revolt” of petit-bourgeoisie owner-operators, financially backed by wealthy right-wing grifters — not the vast majority of exploited trucking workers.
Critics note that police have taken a far more heavy-handed approach against protests led by Indigenous people or those acting in defence of unhoused people.
In every single province, the institutionalized model of long-term care directly contributed to higher COVID-19 cases and death.
“Amnesty is sending a message to governments like Canada that we have to do everything we can to distance ourselves from that regime.”