Rest In Peace, NDP (1961-2022)
In the long march toward the annihilation of the NDP, this week’s agreement with the Liberals will surely go down as a pivotal moment.
Nora Loreto is the author of 'Spin Doctors: How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the COVID-19 Pandemic.'
In the long march toward the annihilation of the NDP, this week’s agreement with the Liberals will surely go down as a pivotal moment.
The collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic will define the coming decades for millions of Canadians who suffered.
The use of these powers to deal with protesters is an attack on our right to assemble, even if we absolutely oppose the protest.
In every single province, the institutionalized model of long-term care directly contributed to higher COVID-19 cases and death.
The current overload of hospitals has more to do with neoliberal public policies than selfish anti-vaxxers.
The police will do everything they can to change the channel from their alleged crimes, but we have to stay focused.
It’s critical that we resist attempts to further criminalize and incarcerate people under the illusion of providing safety.
It seems that Canada is on track to repeat the same sort of inequitable vaccination decisions it has made throughout the pandemic.
Our leaders need to develop a plan to manage the virus in spite of pockets of unvaccinated individuals who won’t change their minds.