The ‘Disinformation’ Craze Is Ruining What’s Left Of Journalism
If journalism in Canada is to survive in a manner that’s of service to the public, the disinformation racket has to be shut down.
Davide Mastracci is the opinion editor at The Maple. He was previously the managing editor at Passage.
If journalism in Canada is to survive in a manner that’s of service to the public, the disinformation racket has to be shut down.
There’s never an excuse to join the army, despite the justifications some so-called progressives try to make.
The Maple reached out to all 133 MPs included in our recently-released landlord database to ask about their ability to fight for tenants.
The Maple reached out to housing and tenant organizations asking for comments on our new database of MPs invested in real estate.
The reporter behind many of the shoddy ‘Chinese interference’ stories is leaving Global News as the lawsuits pile up.
For some landlords, nothing — even a life — is more important than squeezing out as much profit as they can from investments.
The Maple has created a database of family relations at the federal, provincial and territorial levels of politics.
Accusing a Chinese MP of secretly working for China is inherently racist unless you can prove it’s true. The media hasn’t done so.
Writers Taras Bilous and Dimitri Lascaris discuss whether leftists should support arms transfers to Ukraine.