Chrystia Freeland Is A Fraud, Alleges Chrystia Freeland
Last week, I asked if Freeland is a fraud or a Nazi sympathizer. Yesterday, she offered an unconvincing response.
Davide Mastracci is the opinion editor at The Maple. He was previously the managing editor at Passage.
Last week, I asked if Freeland is a fraud or a Nazi sympathizer. Yesterday, she offered an unconvincing response.
Six of the eight provinces examined in a Maple investigation have ministers/associate ministers of housing invested in real estate
A true reckoning with the soft-on-Nazis approach that has become increasingly common in media and politics is long overdue.
Freeland is supposedly a credible voice on Ukrainian history, and yet she has applauded the country’s Nazis on multiple occasions.
Use The Maple’s searchable database to discover which provincial representatives are landlords or invested in real estate.
The cabinet was reshuffled on September 4 following a resignation amidst the Greenbelt scandal.
If journalism in Canada is to survive in a manner that’s of service to the public, the disinformation racket has to be shut down.
There’s never an excuse to join the army, despite the justifications some so-called progressives try to make.
The Maple reached out to all 133 MPs included in our recently-released landlord database to ask about their ability to fight for tenants.