Remembering Canadian Media’s Post-9/11 Bloodlust
The media was responsible for helping create an environment where people begged for war, racist laws and attacks on civil liberties.
Davide Mastracci is the opinion editor at The Maple. He was previously the managing editor at Passage.
The media was responsible for helping create an environment where people begged for war, racist laws and attacks on civil liberties.
A Globe columnist’s viral article on pickup trucks had immense similarities with one at Passage, but didn’t mention it existed.
Leaving Western state-funded outlets unlabelled gives the wrong impression that they have no connection with their governments.
Reducing climate destruction and harm from needlessly fatal road accidents is more important than corporate or consumer freedom.
Postmedia commentators wrote about antisemitism more following May Palestine protests than the 2018 Tree of Life synagogue massacre.
These narratives attempt to have the public, media and politicians focus on bogus allegations of antisemitism instead of Israel’s actions.
The goal of ‘both sides’ rhetoric is to rob Palestinians of every means of resistance until they have none left.
Coverage has been sparse and misleading, downplayed the violence from Jewish supremacists, and ignored Palestinian perspectives.
Ford laughs while his policies kill us, and has the guts to complain that we aren’t happy about being led to our deaths.