For-Profit Long-Term Care Home Charged Following COVID-19 Outbreak That Killed Nurse Last Year
The operator of Kensington Village in London, Ont. is facing three charges under the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Alex Cosh is the news editor of The Maple.
The operator of Kensington Village in London, Ont. is facing three charges under the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Wealthy countries have failed to deliver on their promise to provide US$100 billion per year to help poor countries combat the effects of global warming and reduce climate-altering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Alberta has seen the most ICU admissions throughout the pandemic, hitting a high of 268 on Sept. 28, which forced hospitals to send patients elsewhere for treatment and delayed non-COVID related surgeries.
Big business lobbyists with long track records of opposing initiatives designed to protect workers are pushing hard to block or delay the upcoming legislation.
Countries around the world — including Canada — are planning to produce more than double the amount of fossil fuels by 2030 than would be consistent with limiting average global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees celsius.
Moe issued the apology on CBC’s The Morning Edition radio show after the Sask. Party government announced that six COVID-19 patients were being sent to Ontario for treatment.
The formal complaint relates to officers failing to identify themselves and using excessive force when they used pepper spray and riot gear against protesters who were defending the shelter.
A majority of workers in the accommodation and food services industry in 2020 were women, and workers in the sector made an average hourly wage of $17.07, the lowest of any sector.
"Part of the solution, I think, is a requirement that Facebook be more transparent about its algorithm, and there be some regulation.”