Who Do the So-Called ‘Freedom’ Occupiers Really Represent?
The far-right "freedom" occupation and other supportive actions have caused misery to working people and residents in Ottawa and other affected areas.
Alex Cosh is the news editor of The Maple.
The far-right "freedom" occupation and other supportive actions have caused misery to working people and residents in Ottawa and other affected areas.
“Rather than investing in new oil extraction projects, companies are paying out more profits to shareholders and trying to squeeze more oil out of their existing projects."
"In a way it kind of reminds me of the attitudes that circulated in North America in the mid-1980s about people with HIV/AIDS."
A combined total of 442 people in Saskatchewan died from overdoses in 2021, the deadliest year on record.
The past 30 days saw major developments on the international stage which have challenged the status quo of Canada’s international policy.
Critics note that police have taken a far more heavy-handed approach against protests led by Indigenous people or those acting in defence of unhoused people.
“Amnesty is sending a message to governments like Canada that we have to do everything we can to distance ourselves from that regime.”
Service workers in Quebec say their low wages are not worth the stress and abuse they are forced to endure from customers.
“It is very, very alarming, when you have the eyes and ears of everybody, not only in Canada, but around the world, looking at what's happening in Ottawa and we are not talking about the real issues."