A Court Just Struck An Important Blow Against Gig Economy Exploitation
The fight against the precariousness of app-based work is far from over. But the recent legal decision in California is an important advance in that battle.
Adam D.K. King is an assistant professor in Labour Studies at the University of Manitoba.
The fight against the precariousness of app-based work is far from over. But the recent legal decision in California is an important advance in that battle.
For the first time in a long time, a national childcare system is within reach. The left can’t let that slip through our fingers.
Workplace-specific vaccine requirements are a logical and necessary step to protect worker health and safety.
In this election, a Liberal majority would be a bad outcome for workers.
Recent data from Statistics Canada shows that far from transforming our economy to benefit workers, we’re on course to return to where we were in February 2020.
Any reduction in working hours will require a strong labour movement and the collective power that comes with it.
Workers are already being harmed by extreme heat caused by climate change. They need protections immediately.
No labour movement worth its salt was ever built on tepid alliances with workers’ smiling enemies.
Shrinking union coverage rates and capital-friendly states are steadily eroding the right of Canadian workers to strike.