Reviewing The State Of The Labour Market – May 2023
By all indications, there has been considerable softening in the Canadian labour market in the past few months.
Adam D.K. King is an assistant professor in Labour Studies at the University of Manitoba.
By all indications, there has been considerable softening in the Canadian labour market in the past few months.
At a fundamental level, discrimination and division inside unions ultimately undermines solidarity and the overall efficacy of unions.
As most union organizers will recognize, however, an app can’t replace the trust-building element of face-to-face organizing.
Even with the highest provincial minimum wage, many B.C. workers will continue to earn low pay and struggle to make ends meet.
Teams of union organizers across Ontario, Alberta and B.C. have had conversations with hundreds of workers and begun signing union cards.
A judge at the Ontario Superior Court ruled that legislation in effect since 2011 that removed this right is unconstitutional.
A new book from Sean Carleton encourages critical thinking about connections between colonialism, education and capitalist exploitation.
Any major breakthrough among delivery drivers will require eventually compelling Amazon to bargain as a joint or related employer.
On this International Workers’ Day, we remain in the midst of the largest public sector strike in Canadian history.